Ok ok ok the website is slightly behind schedule haha but stay tuned over the next couple days this website will become jaredenderton.com with a whole new layout
The new website should be up by Monday! I am pumped. It will have some really cool new features. Featured articles, videos, tons of apparel supplements, posters, onlien coaching, personal training, weight loss programs, you name it… I am really excited about the remake. Keep han
I See a lot of the views and whatnot are starting to go down on this blog. Hang in there. I am going to be posting a LOT more once this gets transferred over. I am working on building an entire, legitimate website over the next week and this blog will be MUCH more active! Stay tuned,.
This blog is being transferred over to my main page, JaredEnderton.com over the next week. It will be under construction until then but I will no longer be posting on here and will only be posting on JaredEnderton.com in the future! Same blog set up, just different domain name.
Haha! I am thinking about doing a little timeline story about how I lost the 113lbs that I lost. I have had quite the weight fluctuation journey over the course of the last 5 years so I am going to take a few days and try to compile a YouTube video with pics, videos, and my commentary
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