Today I am taking off to put on a Strength Specific Seminar at Transform Crossfit in New Jersey! I am especially excited for this trip as I have never been to New York (and I am flying into there). I’m so excited to see the northeast! The other great part is I take off late this
I am trying to get some feedback from everyone who reads the site. What type of articles would you like to see me write in the future? Post a comment below or reply to me on facebook/twitter! Thank you!!
I am selling the remainder of my inventory over the next week. Over half of it is gone after 1 day! I am selling it at normal cost, but, with free shipping! I have protein, fruit flavored amino acids, pre workout drinks, l-carnitine, caffeine, etc. Get a hold of me if you want to grab
I have no idea how it is Sunday already! Feels like it was just Tuesday when I was getting back into town from the Arnold. I got my butt kicked in training this week (Which is awesome, and much needed), and have been working constantly. I have so many projects and things going on that
Well, The Arnold wasn’t a disaster, but it wasn’t amazing either. I am frustrated that I didn’t perform well, but, not down about it. This meet is different, it doesn’t classify you as placing by weight classes. So, I don’t have a placing for you guys, so
Here it is, the biggest meet of my entire lifting career. It is the calm before the storm right now. I have a different feeling coming into this meet than any other meet I have been a part of. Unfortunately there is not a live stream for the event this year (that I know of anyway). I
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