There is the video from the Strength Specific Seminar demonstration we put on this weekend! A new PR snatch for my bodyweight. 152.5kg (335lbs). Thanks Crossfit Old South for having us!!
I am currently hanging out at the Minneapolis airport waiting for my flight to Nashville. I am excited to do another Strength Specific Seminar at Crossfit Old South this weekend. I feel like I live in an airport sometimes. I am very happy to have this site mostly completed, though!
I am headed to Denver this weekend for another weightlifting seminar! I am also in the process of gathering all emails to begin some email promotions as well. Woohoo!! 2013 is off to a huge start for me 🙂
I had an absolute blast at Crossfit Kilo this weekend putting on the weightlifting seminar! I will be posting all kinds of pictures and videos over the next week! The website WILL be up in the next 2 days so stay tuned for that as well as the new YouTube video of the seminar highlight
Ok ok ok the website is slightly behind schedule haha but stay tuned over the next couple days this website will become with a whole new layout
The new website should be up by Monday! I am pumped. It will have some really cool new features. Featured articles, videos, tons of apparel supplements, posters, onlien coaching, personal training, weight loss programs, you name it… I am really excited about the remake. Keep han
I See a lot of the views and whatnot are starting to go down on this blog. Hang in there. I am going to be posting a LOT more once this gets transferred over. I am working on building an entire, legitimate website over the next week and this blog will be MUCH more active! Stay tuned,.
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