I had a blast handing out samples today at the Vitamin Shoppe’s in Colorado Springs. I handed out samples at both the south and the north location. So many people couldn’t believe how good the Cardio Igniter tastes. I always feel very good after doing the demos and always
I couldn’t be more excited to announce that I am now a Cradle Gear Signature Athlete! What’s this mean? Essentially, we are going to be launching a “Jared Enderton Signature Series” apparel line! Check them out here. Stay tuned for more details 🙂 http://store.c
If you guys want some good tips on nutrition & exercise, take a look at these athletes: Team Top Secret Nutrition: http://www.topsecretnutrition.com/tsn-athletes/ Team HMB athletes here: http://www.hmb.org/team/ The only supplements I take are from these 2 companies, and, a lot of
Here’s a recent interview I did with Game Strength Insider.! David is a really cool guy and I was pretty excited to do the interview for his website! http://gamestrengthinsider.com/interview-with-pro-olympic-weightlifter-jared-enderton
Hey guys, So first off, nationals is 43 days away from today (6 weeks, 1 day). I will be lifting as an 85kg lifter for the 2nd time ever (187lbs). I have cut the weight much smarter this time, though. Training has been much more steady which is always good. Those darn squats havent be
One thing I have always struggled with is consistency in my training. A lot of this is because I put the most pressure on myself, and, when things go bad I bash myself. I basically “check out” so to speak. This is something I realized was a weakness and have really made it
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