I just arrived at the Olympic Training Center today. I had to wake up at 4am to get to the airport and fly out of Minneapolis. Phew. Thankfully Dan Moeller let me stay at his mom’s house so I didn’t have to wake up even earlier to drive to Minneapolis. I ended up missing m
I head for the OTC in Colorado Springs, CO this wednesday until the following tuesday. I got an invitation to check it out and meet the head USA Weightlifting coach out there. They are selecting a whole new team to train out there in January, so I’ll do my best to try to impress
I took a trip up to Montana to visit Mike Karchut and Steve Gough. They are extremely well known coaches, and Steve’s son, Tom, holds the American Records in the 94kg category with a 165kg snatch, and a 205kg clean/jerk. I went up there with these #’s: Sn 143, CJ 175, FS 1
I did a 195kg BTN Jerk the other day, and a 160kgx7 (352lbs) drop set afterwards. I haven’t done them in a couple years so thought I would do them for some fun!
I Went to St. Paul, MN this weekend for my Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certification. I passed the test on sunday and got certified. I was pretty happy with how the certification went and learned a ton that’s for sure. Re: Jared’s Weightlifting Log « Reply #729 Today at 1:
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