Yesterday was very rough for the group. In the AM we went: Snatch (with a 3 second pause at the knee): up to 120kg, then, 110kgx5 Clean (with 3 second pause at knee): up to 160kg PM: Snatch- up to 130kg, 115kgx4x1 (trying for multiple reps but shoulder was KILLING me) Clean (with 3 se
Yesterday was the first day back after the meet because of travel/no sleep. I power snatched up to 125.5kgs, then I did 127.75kgs. Yes, I have to be exact because I was throwing a .5kg plate on one side. Then I power cleaned up to 150kg and called it a day. Here is the video:
I sure wish it was under a different context, but, I got Graettinger, Iowa some love here: haha 🙂 I’ll take what I can
I had already missed this weight twice (138kg). If I missed again I would have bombed out from the competition. Instead, I made the lift and placed 2nd out of 21 guys at Collegiate Nationals. I’m at my best when the pressure is on. Now I just have to make it happen on the first
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