I have been more focused this week training than I have been for the last month or so. With the moving, new gym, new job, etc I just haven’t been able to find the time I would LIKE to find to be able to train. This week has settled down and I am getting after it again and gettin
My thoughts on cardio…I get asked this question a lot and always hesitate answering it if I don’t have longer than a few minutes to explain. Everyone should do cardio, yes. However, I am a believer that a large part of your regimen should be some form of intense weight tra
We are taking off for Fargo, ND for the next 3 days so I might not be able to update like I’d like to. But, it is going to be a good time to finally get some rest in and sleep a little bit! Yahoooooo. I can use some of that. We are going to watch some wrestling up there (Greco &
Sooooo despite trying to lift myself about 10% of the questions I get are about what Kendrick Farris does for a lifting program haha! So, here ya go! 10’s: 3-4 weeks Monday: Push press up to 10 RM. drop set at -5% and 1 at -10% Squat up to 10 RM 1 set -5% and -10% Bench press up to 10
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