So I’ve had a day or two to really digest my trip down south this weekend. I know I am probably being a prisoner of the moment, but, wow. I was blown away with the “Southern Hospitality” as they call it. The very first person I called (Jason, the gym owner at Crossfi
There is the video from the Strength Specific Seminar demonstration we put on this weekend! A new PR snatch for my bodyweight. 152.5kg (335lbs). Thanks Crossfit Old South for having us!!
I am currently hanging out at the Minneapolis airport waiting for my flight to Nashville. I am excited to do another Strength Specific Seminar at Crossfit Old South this weekend. I feel like I live in an airport sometimes. I am very happy to have this site mostly completed, though!
I am headed to Denver this weekend for another weightlifting seminar! I am also in the process of gathering all emails to begin some email promotions as well. Woohoo!! 2013 is off to a huge start for me 🙂
I had an absolute blast at Crossfit Kilo this weekend putting on the weightlifting seminar! I will be posting all kinds of pictures and videos over the next week! The website WILL be up in the next 2 days so stay tuned for that as well as the new YouTube video of the seminar highlight
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