Yes, that’s right folks. Search google for “Sexiest weightlifter alive.” The first link and the first image is yours truly. Ha! I have to bring this up about every 6 months. There’s no arguing with the interwebz.
Yes! That’s right. I am coming out with my own podcast! I am incredibly excited for this to get rolling. I am going to be talking about everything I can think of haha! From weightlifting to weight loss to crossfit to religion to whatever the heck I want! I hope to have the first Somehow I missed that article! Although some of the details aren’t completely accurate, it is a great article anyway haha! Thanks so much for having me again West Sioux!
Please stay patient everyone…I am working on a new business that will be an online weight loss subscription website! It will be all about losing weight and will be a very low monthly fee to all of the information! I am really excited for this and I know you guys will love the se
We are now 5 days out from the Arnold Classic! I compete at 8:30pm et Saturday Night. Unfortunately, there is not a live stream this year. I have no idea why but it is what it is! I guess I’ll have to do my PRs as a total secret haha. I am feeling pretty loose and relaxed 5 days
The seminar at HOT Side Crossfit in Chicago was awesome! That was easily one of the highest PR rates we have ever had at a gym! I think almost every single member PR’d both their snatch and clean&jerk. I was pretty jacked up haha. This was the first real seminar where I cou
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