I had a nice day yesterday and managed to snatch 153kg for a PR and Clean & Jerk 190kg for a PR. That was a PR total as well at 343kg. It is a good step in the right direction. I am hoping to hit 155/195 in the coming days here as I am about 10 days out from Nationals that take pl
I have exactly 4 weeks of training left until I compete at the Arnold, I am getting pretty excited. You know, this journey has already been way harder than I had ever expected. I didn’t expect to leave California Strength. Or to get hurt the first week in Vegas. Or to go and do
Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted a blog on here! I suppose I would like to give the normal excuse of “I have been busy” haha. Lots of work and training I guess. Nationals is March 2nd-3rd in Columbus, Ohio. It is the Arnold Classic where the Nationals will
Training has been going pretty well the last week or so. I am attempting a 185kg clean and jerk relatively often. Hopefully I can nail that really soon and get moving onward and upward. The squats have also been continuing to increase so I should see my lifts also continue to go up. I
I just had to share this. I cracked up pretty hard after reading it. IOWA, according to Jeff Foxworthy: If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you may live in Iowa. If your first job was shucking corn. If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and
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