For those of you who have followed me for a long period of time know that my website hasn’t exactly been my strong point, ha. I have went through many different variations and honestly have just ended up frustrated with each version. I am now working with a company for the new J
Check out some of these freak athletes!
New Enderton Strength/Jared Enderton apparel is coming! Woohoo! In the next 1-2months there will be 4-5 new products via Cradle Gear via the Jared Enderton Signature Series. This is going to be a really cool launch!
All I can say about the new Pump Igniter from Top Secret Nutrition is YES! Ha. This stuff rocks. 300mg of caffeine per serving? Perfect. Lately I have been training twice a day so have only been taking 1/2 a scoop per workout. I don’t drink much coffee so it ends up being about
I have been doing some coaching at 3 crossfits: Crossfit 719: Crossfit Pandora’s Box Crossfit Pikes Peak If you are in the springs and wanting some coaching, contact me!
What a great time this weekend! I went to Augusta, GA to put on an Enderton Strength Seminar at What a great group of trainers, athletes, and freaks! They were making all kinds of PR’s and having a blast in the process. Thanks for having me guys and I hope
As promised – here is the big seminar announcement! Starting IMMEDIATELY – Gyms will now have the option to do either an: Enderton Strength Seminar – Olympic Weightlifting OR Enderton Strength Seminar – Olympic Weightlifting & Strongman Seminar Most people
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