Today is sort of my “monday” for training so to speak. Why? Because I trained for like 7 straight days until tuesday. Then, tuesday and wed I was pretty dang sick. So, I just treated it like it was a weekend and took it easier (did some shoulder rehab and front squatting was all). Some upper body bodybuilding too haha.
Today I was back at it doing Power Snatch and Power Cleans though. My bodyweight was 93.8 this morning! By the time I trained it was 95, but, that is pretty low for me first thing in the morning. I have been really disciplined with my diet, and only training 1x per day for about a month! So I am really happy about that.
Anyway, I will for surely have some big updates for everyone soon. Stay tuned!
PS – I am working on a website right now that will be:
It is not live yet, but, this blog will also be moved there. Just a heads up.
Go THUNDER!!!!!!!!!!! Kevin Durant the Durantula