Well, I am traveling to Montana / Wyoming in October, Las Vegas in November, and the American Open in California in December! I am also the best man in a wedding next weekend in Iowa City. Then, I hope to travel again to Montana in early January. I am also going to train some in Minne
I have been more focused this week training than I have been for the last month or so. With the moving, new gym, new job, etc I just haven’t been able to find the time I would LIKE to find to be able to train. This week has settled down and I am getting after it again and gettin
Sooooo despite trying to lift myself about 10% of the questions I get are about what Kendrick Farris does for a lifting program haha! So, here ya go! 10’s: 3-4 weeks Monday: Push press up to 10 RM. drop set at -5% and 1 at -10% Squat up to 10 RM 1 set -5% and -10% Bench press up to 10
This was something I wrote a couple years ago right before I started training for weightlifting. I have posted it once on my blog before, but, have began to read it a lot more to regain focus and just focus on TODAYs training and goals. “The Winners Mindset” Weightlifters
Squats the day after I competed at nationals. The day before I hit a new PR of 252kg in the back squat, so I was a bit fatigued, but still pushed through.