Hey guys, I can’t even explain how excited I am about being sponsored by HMB. Check out these two pages where they introduce me, and, where my profile is on their site: http://hmb.org/blogs/article_details.cfm?BlogArticleID=553 http://www.hmb.org/team/team_details.cfm?TeamID=23
http://hmb.org/blogs/article_details.cfm?BlogArticleID=553 I have some big news to announce… I am now sponsored by HMB! I am super excited about joining their team and am really grateful for the opportunity. I have been taking the product for a few months and have seen some real
Well, it is always great in theory to write a daily update of my training, but, that never happens. So, I figured I will just post weekly outlines and post my biggest lifts from each day at the end of the week: Mon AM: 185fs, CJ’s up to 150kg Mon PM: PS 120, PC 160, BS 220, Ghr,
I absolutely hate having to take time off training. There is nothing more frustrating in the world than being injured and not being able to train. It is a nightmare. You then have to take 1-2 weeks just to get back into good shape. you just lose so much time. Anyway, enough about me c
Not quite sure of the weight…but it is 8 plates a side and some weights stacked on the back of the machine too. Squatting has been killing my knee lately so I’ve just been doing what I can while i’m back in my hometown of Graettinger, Iowa. I did it for a fairly easy
This was something I wrote a couple years ago right before I started training for weightlifting. I have posted it once on my blog before, but, have began to read it a lot more to regain focus and just focus on TODAYs training and goals. “The Winners Mindset” Weightlifters
Squats the day after I competed at nationals. The day before I hit a new PR of 252kg in the back squat, so I was a bit fatigued, but still pushed through.
155kg! I had a really good day of training after getting back home from Montana. In the morning I Power Snatched 142kg for a new PR, and also front squatted 215×2 (PR), and 232kgx1 for a new PR. I Also did some cleans and some other random stuff, making for a pretty long morning