AKA the Arnold. We are 4 days out, and I had a GREAT training session today. I snatched up to 144kg (3kgs away from my PR)(317lbs), then, I clean and jerked up to 160kg(352lbs) for 2 singles very easily. Those are the best my cleans have felt in weeks. Then I front squatted up to 180k
Check out the Cal Strength blog here: http://calstrengthacademy.com/?cat=3 This recipe was written for me from my good friend and teammate Donny Shankle! I’m going to have to test it out after the arnold 🙂
My training for the past 2 weeks had been absolutely terrible. That is why I hadn’t posted too much about it. I wasn’t lifting very well and my numbers weren’t up to par. However, I finally got things changed around this weekend. I was able to hit a 140kg snatch on b
John Broz is really one of the main reasons I got started in weightlifting. He is a coach at Average Broz Gym in Las Vegas. I stumbled upon his youtube interview and wanted to know more. So I started surfing the internet and found a bunch of forums that he was posting on. His methodol
http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/12915589 hahaha go ahead and check it out..There is like 2 hours of lifting first. But, I’d recommend skipping to 2:04:45…It is pretty darn funny. This kid will have a full ride to Cal as a quarterback and many offers from other places. Prett
I first read this article back in 2004 when Mike Alesch sent it to me. Anything he ever said or sent to me was taken completely to heart… It is a great read even for non-wrestlers. You have to find reasons why you should win, not reasons why you should lose!! Randy Lewis is a fo
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