Yesterday was an up and down day. In the morning I had a TERRIBLE session. Absolutely horrendous. I don’t even want to post it. But, I bounced back in the afternoon decently. Snatch- up to 120kgx2, 125kgx2, 130kgx2, 135kgx2x1, 137.5kgx3x1 (tried for doubles on all 5 sets,
Friday’s training was pretty much the point in my life where I decided weightlifting is the worst sport in the world. Morning: Snatch- up to 3 sets of 2 (120kg, 125kg, 130kg) Clean and Jerk- up to 3 sets of 2 (140, 150, 155kg) Evening: Snatch- up to 140kg, then 8 s
Thursdays are usually a little bit lighter for us. Usually we simply do some power snatches (maybe up to a max single), and power cleans (up to a max single). That is usually the full workout, just single up on both to a max. I knew this week was going to be different though. Glenn is
Well, last night I went and got a half hour massage. So, we were feeling pretty good haha. Anyway, Jon North and I decided to try to clean 240kgs (529lbs) together. It is actually an extremely fun lift. I tihnk we could do close to 300kgs if we actually took it seriously and warmed up
The volume in our training is ramping right back up. I struggled mightily this morning with it. AM Session: Snatch (1 full, 1 from hang)- up to 110kgx2, 120kgx2, 125kgx10xfail, tried it about ten times, couldn’t quite hit the 2nd rep. Just retarded, and beyond frustrated at this
Today was the first day Glenn was back from the arnold. So training resumes for collegiate nationals in 33 days! I got the countdown on. I need to make EVERY single day count, and make it a positive one. PM Session: Power Snatch- up to 110kgx4x2, 115kgx2, 120kgx2 (264lbs) Power Clean-
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