I got a nice hour long massage this morning so I was feeling pretty dang good heading into training. Power Snatch- up to 137.5kg (PR) with no misses, 140×0, then 120kgx2x2 Power Clean- up to 152kgx1, 157kgx0, 130kgx2x2 I’m pretty excited about the Power Snatch PR. Finally,
Kendrick Farris, USA’s #1 Weightlifter right now doing a 211kg Clean and Jerk. This is the guy that is leading USA Weightlifting as an 85kg lifter. He has some major squatting strength as well, having done 240kgx10 in the back squat while weighing 187lbs. Not too shabby!! Now, t
AM: Snatch- to 100kg (shoulder hurting) Cleans- to 150kg Front Squat- to 180kg (I think I fixed my light-headedness problem) PM: Back Squats- up to 200kg, 210kg, 220kg (484lbs), 225kgxfail, 205kgx5x1 Back Extensions, DB Rows, DB Bench
So I took the last 4-5 days and just squatted. I did that for a couple reasons. 1. My shoulder was continuing to get worse. 2. I Was just getting worse So, it paid off today. I hit 4 new Personal Records. I power snatched 132.5kg, 134, and 135kg. All were Personal Records for me. Then
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