AM: Snatch- to 100kg (shoulder hurting) Cleans- to 150kg Front Squat- to 180kg (I think I fixed my light-headedness problem) PM: Back Squats- up to 200kg, 210kg, 220kg (484lbs), 225kgxfail, 205kgx5x1 Back Extensions, DB Rows, DB Bench
So I took the last 4-5 days and just squatted. I did that for a couple reasons. 1. My shoulder was continuing to get worse. 2. I Was just getting worse So, it paid off today. I hit 4 new Personal Records. I power snatched 132.5kg, 134, and 135kg. All were Personal Records for me. Then
“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” -Albert Einstein This has to be the foundation of your existence. Value and being able to respect yourself. Do this and others will respect you. Be a “mans man” as I like to say. This is a quote that has
Like I Said, I have really just been squatting lately. Today I hope to hit some squats as well after I power snatch/power clean. We’ll see how it goes today. I am excited for my shoulder to feel better. I am really positive right now and have really changed around my attitude in
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