Here is the start of the new gym. I still have a lot of progress to make but i’m just taking on 1 project per day! It also has 2 treadmills, an eliptical, dumbbell set, and every weight machine you could imagine. I’m slowly acquiring more stuff. But not going to stop worki
Well, this weekend I went to a friends bachelor party in Wisconsin. Wow, it was crazy haha. We had a ton of fun and floated the river all day saturday. I got nice and tan, and, even got to see some fine ladies. That’s always good, right? Haha I am back on it this week though and
Check it out..Here they introduce me as the new Assistant. Picture will be up this week. Kind of cool to get the ball rolling at the college! Next step: get accepted into Iowa State’s Graduate Prgoram!
Well, here is what I plan to do over the next 12 or so weeks… Here are a few of the reasons…I just started working at Iowa Lakes Community College, so, I have a LOT less time. I will also be wrestling 2-3x per week as well. I’m just looking to take training a little
Snatch – 137kg (on a non rotating bar) Box Squats Max – 225kg Back Squat – 210kg for a bunch of doubles That was it, and I was spent!! Yesterday was – Wrestling for 1.5hours (exhausted) 1Clean +1Front Squat +1 Jerk – 130, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160kgxmissed
Oh, I forgot to mention I played about an hour of football with the high school kids and was dying haha! It has been a while since I have ran that much. Wow. Those young guns can run!
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