I took a trip up to Montana to visit Mike Karchut and Steve Gough. They are extremely well known coaches, and Steve’s son, Tom, holds the American Records in the 94kg category with a 165kg snatch, and a 205kg clean/jerk.
I went up there with these #’s:
Sn 143, CJ 175, FS 194, BS 220, rack jerk 175
and came back with these #’s:
SN 147, CJ 182, FS 220, BS 240, rack jerk 190
I hit 1 big milestone of mine, the 182kg clean/jerk (401lbs). Now, I need that 150kg (330lb) snatch and I will have hit 2 of my big goals that I had for this year.
It was a trip of a lifetime. I learned a TON and came back really motivated and feeling good. Those are some GREAT coaches up there.