Every wednesday morning the wrestling team (at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, UW-L) gets together and does some sort of insane conditioning workout. Today was no different. We ran a few warm up laps then jumped right into the workout.
It was buddy carries for 2 miles. You carry a partner at your same weight for 2 miles. After 1 lap my biceps were on fire and my hamstrings weren’t firing like I thought they would. The lactic acid filled my legs way before I lost my wind. I never dropped the guy though, ever. That was my 1 goal. I didn’t do it fast, nor did I do it impressively- but I finished. My bodyweight post workout was 202.5(lowest yet).

me @ 225lbs on the left. So long ago (1 month)
I had 5 hours of class today with 2 tests(and 1 yesterday), then it was straight back to the workout room to cut some more weight. After 2 hours I was down to 200.5.
I have to make scratch weight (197) AND be hydrated in order to pass the test. Once I am down there it won’t be so bad, the first time is always the hardest by far.