Weightlifting meet in Waterloo, IA. Snatch- 125x, 125, 128kg(282lbs)(3kg hook grip PR) Clean & Jerk- 160, 165x, 165kgx1(363lbs), (2kg PR) I increased my total by 5kg (up to 293kg) and weighed in at 93kg (I tihnk the scale was a kg light), so 205lbs. Got to the venue about 5 minute
Meet write-up: I figure I better do this before I compete in my next meet on thursday! Got there at about 2pm to weigh in, weighed in heavy at 93.9kg! We then went and messed around until about 315 because we were scheduled to lift at 4pm. I Scheduled all my eating/energy supplements,
I competed in a weightlifting meet in 5-8-10 in Carroll, Iowa. Snatch- I hit 125kg(275lb.) Clean & Jerk- I hit 163kg (358lbs) Overall it was a great meet, check out my log on the forums for my contest write up!
These items are on clearance until Monday, May 10th! (1) Jack3d (Fruit Punch): $24.99 (1) Elite Gourmet Protein 5lbs Milk Choc: $32.99 (10) NO-Shotgun: $37.99 (variety of flavors) (1) b12 Dots: $9.99 (250 of them!) (1) Ab Wheel: $8.99 (1) NO-Xplode: $37.99 (Blue Raspberry) (1) Waxi M
I have 2 Olympic Weightlifting meets coming up… Saturday May 8th in Carroll, IA and Thursday May 13th in Waterloo, IA. I will be looking to qualify for Nationals which takes place on June 18-20 in Peoria, IL.
Let me know if you want a T-Shirt! They will be available in less than 2 weeks! Pricing is $12 for any size! If you spend over $75 in supplements you get a t shirt for $7! Spend over $125 you get a t shirt for $3 Spend over $175 and you receive a free t shirt!
Specials on a few items: $28 for Jack3d (1) $35 for NO-Xplode (1) $14 for 12 Promax Cookies & Cream Protein Bars (1) $20 for 1000g Creatine (1) $35 for Chocolate 5lb. Protein!! (2) $30 for Dymatize Elite Recoup (1) $10 for 250 B12 vitamin dots (1) $30 for 5lbs. Waxi Maize (1) Buy
Specials on a few items: $35 for NO-Xplode (1) $14 for 12 Promax Cookies & Cream Protein Bars (3) $20 for 1000g Creatine (1) $35 for Chocolate Peanut Butter 5lb. Protein!! $30 for Dymatize Elite Recoup (1) $10 for 250 B12 vitamin dots (1) $30 for 5lbs. Waxi Maize (1) But any 2 ite
Check us out on Twitter for more deals! This is rewarding the followers who check the site often. I will post deals on the twitter account and first one to contact me after I tweet it will get the deal! http://twitter.com/jaredenderton
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