Apparently it has been decided that I am the sexiest weightlifter alive. Google “sexiest weightlifter” and see who comes up. Men lie, women lie, but GOOGLE DOESN’T LIE!! 🙂
Hey everyone, What do you guys want to see more of? I am going to do more nutrition and training advice blogs…But what does everyone enjoy seeing the most of? Mentality type of blogs, my training blogs, nutrition blogs? OR, A little bit of everything? Feel free to post a reply o
Here are wed’s snatches. The last one is my attempt at a 140kg double. Technically the 135kgx2 was a PR, so 140kg was going to be a huge PR. Obviously it was CLARKVILLE USA. Why did Coach have to do me like that? Ending the video of my clarking it? Come on, I put all that effort
Haha we have been doing so many sets of 2 I just feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall! The training is absolutely brutal and grueling every single session. But, anything worthwhile is not going to be easy. The greater the goal the harder the work. You have to welcome th
One of the biggest problems with high school athletes (and athletes in general) is their diet. They will eat fast food 2-3x per week and skip breakfast half the time. Skipping breakfast is the biggest no-no, but, lack of good food after training can also limit your recovery ability as
Today we had just 1 session, which was nice to focus all energy on just one workout. It went like this: Power Snatch- up to 100kgx2 ,110kgx2, 115kgx2x2, 117.5kgx3x2 (259lbs) Power Clean- up to 110kgx2, 120kgx2, 130kgx2,135kgx2, 137.5kgx2,140kgx2, 142.5kgx2x2 (315lbs) Front Squat- up
Yesterday was an up and down day. In the morning I had a TERRIBLE session. Absolutely horrendous. I don’t even want to post it. But, I bounced back in the afternoon decently. Snatch- up to 120kgx2, 125kgx2, 130kgx2, 135kgx2x1, 137.5kgx3x1 (tried for doubles on all 5 sets,
Friday’s training was pretty much the point in my life where I decided weightlifting is the worst sport in the world. Morning: Snatch- up to 3 sets of 2 (120kg, 125kg, 130kg) Clean and Jerk- up to 3 sets of 2 (140, 150, 155kg) Evening: Snatch- up to 140kg, then 8 s
Thursdays are usually a little bit lighter for us. Usually we simply do some power snatches (maybe up to a max single), and power cleans (up to a max single). That is usually the full workout, just single up on both to a max. I knew this week was going to be different though. Glenn is
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