I took it a lot easier this week in training. My shoulder/elbow are pretty beat up, so I decided to do a LOT less volume on the snatch and clean&jerk. I hope to come back on monday feeling pretty fresh and recovered. And, READY TO ROCK! Woohoo! I got all kinds of energy already.
Yesterday and today my elbow has been bothering me quite a bit (I think I strained a ligament on the inside of it). So, I can’t quite hold a rack position (so it makes cleaning impossible). However, I still did manage to get some snatch work in. 319lb Push Press from today. This
I’ve had quite a few follow up questions about the post-workout shake I posted last week. I’ll break it down a little bit farther for you guys as far as WHY each fruit/ingredient goes into the smoothie. Now, I don’t drink this smoothie EVERY single day, I generally d
I added a “Video” section just below the T-shirts on the home page… I have many more videos on Youtube, but, those are the ones that have the most views and are with the most weight haha! I will be looking to make a few other changes here over the next couple weeks,
This week’s training is going to be a little different. Coach is out of town so he left us the workouts we are supposed to do in the mean time. I tweaked my elbow a little bit yesterday so I could only snatch and squat today, no clean and jerks. Hopefully it’ll be healed u
I am still whipping my head back way too much (And jumping back too much). It is good seeing maximal attempts though because it really makes my flaws stand out big time. When I Hit 135 and 140 right before it I wasn’t really whipping my head back at all. Just have to stay more
Alright, here is a list of items on sale. Some of them are listed on the site, and some aren’t. For ones NOT listed on the site you will simply pay for it by “donating.” I Will keep an updated inventory list on the Comments Section, so make sure to take a look at tha
Oh my gosh…These were my original picks: My picks for the NCAA Wrestling Champs this year: 125: Matt Mcdonough (I guarantee this one) 133: Andrew Long 141: Montell Marion 149: Kyle Dake (I guarantee this one)(KID DYNAMITE) 157: David Taylor (true freshman) 165: Andrew How
Post workout Fruit/Protein Smoothee I get a lot of questions what I eat after workouts. After my morning workouts I will have a simple protein shake, and, maybe a banana or some oatmeal. Then, after my afternoon workouts I generally make a great big smoothie (About 4/6 days I’ll
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