Today was 100x better than yesterday. Jon North and I got on the same bar and really moved quick. We got the workout done in under 45 minutes. We were absolutely flying. We felt pretty sore but managed to bring some intensity and keep the duration of the workout down. PM: Power Snatch
Yesterday was very rough for the group. In the AM we went: Snatch (with a 3 second pause at the knee): up to 120kg, then, 110kgx5 Clean (with 3 second pause at knee): up to 160kg PM: Snatch- up to 130kg, 115kgx4x1 (trying for multiple reps but shoulder was KILLING me) Clean (with 3 se
Yesterday was the first day back after the meet because of travel/no sleep. I power snatched up to 125.5kgs, then I did 127.75kgs. Yes, I have to be exact because I was throwing a .5kg plate on one side. Then I power cleaned up to 150kg and called it a day. Here is the video:
I sure wish it was under a different context, but, I got Graettinger, Iowa some love here: haha 🙂 I’ll take what I can
I had already missed this weight twice (138kg). If I missed again I would have bombed out from the competition. Instead, I made the lift and placed 2nd out of 21 guys at Collegiate Nationals. I’m at my best when the pressure is on. Now I just have to make it happen on the first
I am writing this from a hotel in Shreveport, Louisiana. We will get back to California this afternoon, so we have a lot of driving (to Dallas) and flying (to San Francisco) left. To say I am exhausted is the understatement of the century. I can honestly say I have never felt so physi
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