This may be the most insane feat I have ever seen done. The mental strength needed to complete something like this (and the years of training for a 40 year old guy) is beyond comprehension for almost every human being on this planet. I remember doing some ridiculous squat sets in high
From time to time I like to post a little bit about the guy who got me interested in this whole strength game anyway, Jesse Marunde. Coincidentally he also was coached and taught how to train by Steve Gough. Check out the article here in which he mentions his training with Steve: http
Hey everyone, Just wanted to update you…I will be launching a new website within the next 2 weeks or so. This blog will be moved onto a tab on the site as well. It will be similar to my old website, but, a lot more professional. I will be selling a few supplements (3 or 4) and d
Well, last week didn’t go as I had planned it. I had to work about 50 hours between a couple jobs, and, couldn’t get into the gym very much. Don’t you hate that? Haha most of you are probably thinking “Welcome to the real world!” If I could help it I woul
Hey guys, I can’t even explain how excited I am about being sponsored by HMB. Check out these two pages where they introduce me, and, where my profile is on their site: I have some big news to announce… I am now sponsored by HMB! I am super excited about joining their team and am really grateful for the opportunity. I have been taking the product for a few months and have seen some real
Well, it is always great in theory to write a daily update of my training, but, that never happens. So, I figured I will just post weekly outlines and post my biggest lifts from each day at the end of the week: Mon AM: 185fs, CJ’s up to 150kg Mon PM: PS 120, PC 160, BS 220, Ghr,
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