Yesterday and today my elbow has been bothering me quite a bit (I think I strained a ligament on the inside of it). So, I can’t quite hold a rack position (so it makes cleaning impossible). However, I still did manage to get some snatch work in.
319lb Push Press from today.
This morning I did a lot of technique work on the snatch and the split jerk. This afternoon I snatched a LOT from the blocks (just above the knee). I probably hit 120kgx5 singles, and 125kg for about 10 reps (including a set of 5 in there), then I hit 130 for a single as well. I Then did some push pressing (up to 145kg), followed by some benching (315lbsx10), and some ab work to finish it out. Well, I took an ice bath and drank my Smoothie directly after. The smoothie was my best one EVER. It had kiwi’s, strawberries, a banana, blueberries, orange juice, water, milk, ice, and of course Elite Gourmet protein. I am telling you…This is the greatest smoothie ever made haha. mmmm.
It was kind of refreshing in a sense to do some other lifts. My shoulder has been bugging me as well (ever since I injured it out here on my visit), so I knew the last couple days would be a good time to rest it. I might need to do some more random exercises tomorrow to give my shoulder and elbow some extra time to heal. Normally it is just max power snatch and max power clean on thursdays, so I might just do a LOT of squatting + some pullup/rowing work.