Power Snatch- 50,70,90,100,110,120×2,125,127.5,129,131kgx1 (PR) (288lbs), 110kgx2
Power Clean- 70,90,110,120,130,140,147.5,150kgx1 (330lbs)
Front Squat- 70,120,150,170,180kgx1 (396lbs)
Ab Work, Reverse Hypers
I hit a new personal record in the power snatch, which was a long time coming! That is the first time I have broken that record since like November! IT seems like even longer though. Woohoo! I also front squatted for the first time in a loooong time today. Oh my gosh I felt like a weak little kitten. Hopefully I can hit 200 before we leave for the Arnold!!
I also clarked the heck outta some power cleans today…so I guess with every PR there is some bad training too haha!!
Video of the day:
Roy Jones Jr…that is a bad dude right there!!