Yesterday was completely off.. .Just relaxed and watched some good football (like every sunday haha)
730am (45 minutes)
stretching, some yoga stuff, abs, pushups
1015am (2 hours)
Clean from Thigh + Squat: 40,60,70,80×2/2 all the way up
Clean Pull Box + Clean Box: 60,80,100,115×2/2 up to here,130kgx1/1
Clean Pull + Clean: 90×1/3, 110×1/3, 125×1/2,135×1/1,145×1/1
Press in Split Jerk position: 40x2x4, 50x2x4
Jerk from Blocks: 60,80,100,115,130kgx2’s all the way up
back Squats: 90×3,120×3,140,160,180,200kgx2
415pm (2 hours)
drop snatch + oh squat + press in snatch: 2+1+2 = 1 rep, 40x2x1, 50, 60, 70kg
snatch from hip, knee, below knee, 60,70,80,90kg
snatch pulls box + snatch box: 70,85,95,105,115,125kgx1/1
snatch: up to 100kgx2
snatch pulls: 120, 130, 140, 145kgx2 (super slow descent)
Overall a pretty good day… It’s just a complete 180 from what I have been doing… Really at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Sometimes it’s pretty tough to get mentally aroused to get up for a workout where you know it won’t be maximal. Just takes a bit of a different mindset I think. I am just used to maxing so often and for so long that when I don’t max during a workout I kind of lull myself to sleep in a way… despite it being like 3 hour workouts and sweating my butt off. But mentally I get lulled to sleep a bit it seems, even though physically I am just beaten.
It’s just different I guess is all. Overall the trip went good, I’ll do another post iwth my whole wrap up of the trip tomorrow or wed after I get some sleep!!